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those from Bloxwich, Blakenall and Leamore that fell in World War 1

The list on the right contains the names of the fallen in the First World War. 


The list is a combination of Bloxwich's Roll of Honour, The Elmore Green War Memorial, analysis of the records held by the Commonwealth War Graves commission and additions to these memorials that time has found. 


This may not be the definitive list, but it is the most accurate list we have to date.  If you have additions, corrections or comments please fill in one of our contact us forms and I will investigate.


Names that are in blue will link you to that serviceman's record on the "Lives of the First World War" supported by the Imperial War Museum.

William Thomas Adams

William Henry Agus

James Sidney Allen

Job Allen

Robert Allen

Samuel Victor Allen

William Allen

John Allport

Josiah Allport

George Allsopp

Joseph Allsopp

Isaac Andrews

James Arch

Charles Arrowsmith

Edward Henry Arrowsmith

Henry Arrowsmith

Joseph Astbu

Charles Athersmith

Harry Bacon

Johnathan Bacon

Joseph James Bailey

Arthur Baker

Harry Ball

Charles Henry Barnes

J. A.Barnsby

John Bate

Joseph  Battison

Enoch Baugh

Harold Baugh

Leonard Beech

Leonard Beech

Harry Bentley

Alfred Horace Birch

Samuel Birch

Samuel Nathaniel Birch

Giles Bloomer

James Boulter

Norris Brailsford

Thomas Albert Bricknell

William James Brindley

Leonard Brookes

Samuel Brookes

Harry James Broome

Wilfred Brough

John Brown

William Brown

James Bryan

Alfred Charles Bullock

William Amos Bullock

Charles Burns

Charles William Burrowson

George William Burrowson

Alfred James Bushnell

George Burnard Bushnell

Frank A Butler

Thomas Carney

Alfred Percival Carpenter

Walter Carter

Henry Cash

John Thomas Cockayne

William Charles Cockayne

J. W. Cole

James Henry Collins

Frank Stott Cook

Albert Ernest Cooper

John Thomas Cooper

Thomas Cooper

John Henry Cope

Arthur Howard Cox

Thomas Crudgington

John Cunningham

Enoch William Davies

Joseph James Davies

William Davies

William Holden Davies

James Dawson

John Arthur Dodd

Thomas Doolan

William George Douglas

David Valentine Downes

Horace Downes

George Bernard Downing

William Duce

George Dukes

James Dunn

Thomas Henry Dunn

Thomas Frederick Eccleston

Edward Stephen Edgerton

Charles Edwards

William Edwards

Bertram Lawrence Elks

Frederick Ellis

Robert Hilldon Elmore

Alfred Evans

Thomas Evans

John Faulkner

William Faulkner

Godfrey Fletcher

Hyla Fletcher

Josiah Fletcher

William  Forrest

Harry Forrester

Charles Fox

John  Fox

Horace France

Charles Francis

Henry Clement Frost

William Basil Fryer

Thomas Gallaher

William Gallear

David Thomas Gee

John Gee

William Richard Gee

Bertie Gill

Joseph Conrad Girkin

George Henry Gittings

William Golby

David Benjamin Goodall

Edgar Goodall

Harold Goodall

James William Goodall

John Goodall

Samuel Goodall

Albert S. Goode

George Thomas Gouldby

William Greenwood

William Ernest Grimsley

Garney Gripton

Frank James Groom

George Alexander Groves

John William Groves

Edward Guest

Archibald George Hall

Arthur Will Hall

Charles Edward Hall

John Hamer

James Handley

Joseph Henry Handy

Percy Hanley

E. C. Hardcastle

Fred  Harper

Samuel John Harper

Samuel Harper

John William Harriman

Samuel George Harrison

Frank Harvey

Arthur Harry Hasketh

Percy H Hawes

William Albert Haycock

Aaron Hayward

Isaac Hayward

Richard James Hayward

Arthur Haywood

Ernest Haywood

Harry Haywood

Charles Henry Heeley

James Heeley

Richard William Hempsell

Percy James Rainsford Hendley

Amos Hendon

Joseph Enoch Hendy

William Henshall

Arthur Harry Hesketh

Charles E. Hill

Horace Hill

George Alexander Ross Hobbs

Henry Hobson

William Wheeldon Holder

Albert Ernest Hooper

Albert Sidney Hooper

Bernard Clarence Hooper

Leonard John Hooper

Bartholomew Hopley

Henry Hopson

Joseph Hopson

John Horton

George Howard

John Ison

Ernest William Jackson

William Jackson

John David James

Alfred Jennings

J Jervis

William Thomas Jevons

Edward Jones

Ernest Jones

John Jones

Horrace Jordan

John Henry Kenny

James Henry Kent

Arthur Kitson

John Thomas Knight

Henri Beesh Labrot

William Lavender

Arthur Law

Charles Henry Law

William Henry Lawley

Henry Lawrence

George Lees

Frank Lester

Frederick Lester

Vincent Lester

Arthur Linnell

Percy Fred Llewellyn

Edward Lloyd

Frank Lloyd

Harold Victor Lloyd

Walter Lloyd

Frederick Lord

Alfred Leonard Main

L Malpass

Harry Mansell

Elijah Marsh

Reginald Walter Marsh

Charles Edward Martin

Clifford Percy Mason

Roland Mason

William Mason

Charles Sidney Massey

James Thomas Matthews

William Mellors

Charles Millington

Arthur L. Morris

Leonard Morris

Harold George Mould

Ernest George Mullard

Arthur Henry Newins

William Newins

Arthur Henry Noon

Frank Oliver

Charles Thomas Onions

Joseph Orgill

Frederick Owen

Jack Owen

John Thomas Owen

Hezekiah Page

Arthur Parkes

Arthur Parkes

William Parkes

Harold Parry

Jack Parton

John Parton

Jonah Thomas Parton

Isaiah Partridge

Arthur Edgar Perks

Ezekiel Perks

Harry Virginius Perks

Charles Ewart Perrett

Alfred James Perry

Frederick Perry

James Perry

Joseph Perry

S. Perry

Sidney Lawrence Philpot

William Edward Pickin

Bert Harold Pike

Albert Pitt

Henry Pool

Frederick Pool

Richard Poole

William Henry Powell

George Henry Pratt

Frank Victor Price

Josiah Price

Gwynedd William Llewelyn Pritchard

Joel Raybould

Alfred Redfern

William Redfern

Richard Orburn Reeves

Harold Revitt

George Rochelle

Walter Rollings

Alfred Enoch Ross

Arthur Ross

William Thomas Ross

Frank Rowbotham

John Thomas Rowbotham

Frank Rowbottom

John Josiah Rowley

Alfred Rudd

Harry Rudd

Samuel Rudd

Thomas Rummins

Robert Holbon Ryle

Edward Sager (Seager)

John Alfred Salisbury

Herbert Sanders

John Sanders

Joseph Sanders

George Sargent

David Alexander Scott

William Sharratt

John Shepherd

Sidney Shepherd

Albert James Simmons

Alfred Sleigh

William Harold Smallman

Albert Edward Smith

Arthur Smith

Daniel Smith

Enoch Smith

Frank Edgar Smith

George Smith

James Smith

James Henry Smith

James Thomas Smith

James Thomas Smith

Joseph Smith

Samuel Smith

Thomas Smith

Thomas Edward Smith

Harry Snell

Arthur Somerfield

Charles Somerfield

Hugh Russell Somerville

Leonard Sowerby

Frank Spiers

Ambrose Squire

Joseph Stackhouse

Thomas Henry Reuben Stackhouse

Eli Stanley

Arthur Stanton

James Stanton

Herbert Victor Steed

James Steeley

George Stewart

Arthur Neville Stokes

Harry Stokes

Albert Stych

Samuel Henry Stych

Ernest Lazenby Styles

Robert Sylvester

William Tasker

Frank Taylor

Frank Taylor

Harry Taylor

Harry Samuel Taylor

Herbert Taylor

Reginald Taylor

Timothy Taylor

S. Thomas

James  Tonks

Alfred Tope

Lewis J. W. Tunnicliffe

Harry Arthur Ball Turner

William Henry Turner

Arthur Walker

Richard Walters

Henry Walton

Samuel Webb

Sidney White

Alfred Thomas Whitehouse

Charles Henry Whitehouse

Frederick Whitehouse

George Whitehouse

George Oscar Percy Whitehouse

Job Whitehouse

Albert Victor Wilkes

Thomas Wilkes

Samuel Wilkinson

Harold Richard Wilks

John Henry"Harry" Willett

Frank Edward Willmore

William Wood

Isaac Wooldridge

Charles Wootton

Christopher Wootton

John Thomas Wright

William Moses Wright

Charles Henry Yarnold

Ernest Yates

Frank Yates

James Yates

John Yates

Tom Yates

John Thomas York 


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