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those from Bloxwich, Blakenall and Leamore that enlisted in World War 2

Alas the Parish magazine did not record those that enlisted in World War 2, so this list is made up from the Bloxwich, Blakenall, and Leamore Roll of Honour, names taken from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, and the names recorded in Sue Satterthwaite's "Walsall People in the Second World War", and "Sorrow into Pride" by Ken Wayman and Barry Crutchley.


Those names highlighted in blue will link you to the serviceman's record on the Commonwealth War Graves site

Douglas Allan

Arthur Allen

Joseph Allen

Frederick Allman

Dennis Frank Alves

John Ronald Amos

? Anslow

Harry Aston

Alan Ayke

Victor Robert Bailey

Kenneth Colin Ball

Malcolm Ball

Robert William Ball

Ernest James Banks

Alfred Bannister

Edward Bannister

George Bannister

Howard Bannister

Jack Bannister

Lionel Kendall Bates

Norman  Bates

Arthur Henry Dennis Batty

Alfred Beebee

John Charles Benton

Frank Beresford

Ernest James Blackmoor

William Blood

Joseph Bonham

Frederick Edward Booker

Leslie Arnold Booker

John Bracknall

William Bradbury

Lawrence Bratt

Charles Broadhurst

Charles Broadhurst

Frank Brookes

Reginald Broome

J Broughton

Frank Brown

Frank Brown

Ralph Charles Burton

Henry Cannon

Ronald James Carpenter

George Carter

Harry Cattell

Frederick Challoner

George Chilton

Lionel Clarke

John  Cockayne

Norman Henry Colebatch

Frank Coleman

Charles Thomas  Collis

Arthur Meredith Cook

Thomas Cook

Joseph Raymond (Joe) Cooke

Alfred Cooper

Joseph Cooper

Isaac Cope

George Cotterell

A Cresswell

Thomas Crook

Thomas Henry Crutchley

William  Dabbs

James Danks

Albert John Darby

William  Davis

Clarence Dean

William Arthur Dean

Harry Dews

Stanley Dickinson

Joseph Victor Doughty

Harold Downton

Leslie  Edge

Ernest Edkins

Frank Edkins

Sidney  Elton

William Philip Etheridge

Wilfred Evans

William Henry Evans

John Patrick Fallon

Frank Feeley

Henry William Fellows

Thomas Fellows

Thomas James Fletcher

William Forest

Alan William Forrest

John  Fox

Victor Frankham

Montague French

John Charles Gay

Raymond Gee

William Gibbons

James Gilbert

Albert Gittings

Thomas Wilfred Gnosill

Patrick Neil Goalby

Edgar Goodall

Sam Goodall

Harry Griffin

Dennis Ernest Griffiths

E.R.A. Griffiths

William John Griffiths

Benjamin Grocutt

Frederick Grocutt

Raymond Hall

Stephen Hall

William Hall

William Hamer

Joseph Hammond

John Harper

Ronald George Harper

Ernest Harris

Thomas Harris

Wilfred Harris

Leslie William Harvey

Joseph Henry Hatton

Arthur Hawkins

William Haynes

Fred  Hayward

Victor Hayward

John Amos Henden

Donald Henderson

James Henworth

Alfred Hildebrandt

Geoffrey Hill

Thomas Hodson

George Hooper

Cyril Hope

Victor John Horne

Gordon Garfield Houghton

Sidney  Hughes

Raymond Robert Humphreys

William Thomas Humphries

Herbert Thomas Instone

Elijah Jackson

William Jackson

George Harold Jenkinson

Edward Jones

Frank Jones

George Bertram Jones

Isaiah Jones

James Edward Jones

Stephen Jones

Harry Kent

John Killian

Thomas Charles King

John Thomas Law

Noah Law

Ernest Lawley

Frederick Lawrence

Joseph Stephen Lawton

Frederick Lee

Donald Lees

Thomas William Lefevre

Harry Lote

Kirby Lowbridge

George Henry Lyons

Sidney  Lyons

Jack Main

Roland Main

Sidney Joseph Malaband

Jeffrey Marsh

Arnold Marson

Leslie Douglas Mason

William Edward Mason

Ronald (Ronnie) Mears

Ernest Mellor

John Miller

Dennis F. Mills

John Minshull

M  Moore

W Moore

Harry Morgan

Eric Ewin Morgon

Eric Morrall

Ernest Harold Morris

Arthur Moseley

George Ernest Mullard

Arthur John Nardone

Cecil Charles Neville

George Newman

Albert Nickless

David Nickless

Frank Noon

Horace Noon

Walter Nunn

Owen O'Grady

John Onions

William Henry Painter

Harry Vincent Pardow

Isiah Parker

Norman Parker

Ernest Parkes

J. A. Parkes

Ralph Charles Partridge

Arthur Peach

George Pearce

Robert Pearce

Albert Pearson

John Joseph Pendle

Leonard Pennell

Jack Perks

Sidney Perks

Norman Perry

Horace Petty

Frederick Phipps

Joseph William Plant

Wilfred Pollard

R Potham

Robert Frederick Pothan

Dennis Power

John Poxon

Joseph Preston

Samuel Morris Price

William Price

Thomas Josiah Pritchard

Clifford Proffitt

Harold Pugh

William Quinn

Charles Reilly

Randolph Frank Ringrose

Frederick Roberts 

Geoffrey Robertshaw

Wilfred Rochelle

Samuel Rock

Ronald   Rogers

Edward Rowbotham

Harry Rowbotham

William Rudd

George Patrick Ryan

Philip Sanders

Wilfred Arthur Sanders

Vincent Joseph Sargent

Douglas Stuart Secker

Joseph  Selvey

Gordon  Shelton

J. Shepherd

John Shepherd

Joseph Shepherd

Joseph Shepherd

Walter   Shutt

William Alfred Simkiss

Tom Skelton

Jack Slater

Leslie Slater

William George Slater

Geoffrey Joseph Smith

George Smith

George Smith

John Smith

Richard Smith

William  Smith

Albert Spence

Dennis Spence

Dennis Squire

Horace Norman Stafford

George Stanistreet

Alfred Statham

Peter William Stephens

Donald Street

Charles Summerton

Joseph Sylvester

Fred  Taylor

Harry Taylor

Norman Taylor

Arthur Tester

John Tester

Peter Tester

Walter William Thompson

John Tunnicliffe

John Turner

Alfred Vaughan

Joseph Vaughan

Sidney Vaughan

Victor Wain

George Walker

William Wallace

John William Edward Walters

Richard Walters

Arthur Edmund Webb

A.B. Warrilow

James    Warrilow

Jesse Warrilow

Joseph Charles Westwood

Percy Westwood

Charles Whitehead

Ernest Whitehead

Joseph Whitehead

Norman Whitehead

Jack Whitehouse

Norman Whitehouse

John William Whittaker

Victor  Wiggin

Samuel Wilkins

Norman Wilson

John Withnall

Derek Wood 

James Wood 

Frank Wodfield

Norman Alfred Yardley

Leslie Ernest Yarnall

Wilfred Henry Yarnall

George Yarnold

Herbert  Yarwood

Victor John Yates


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